Warranties and Returns


If you notice any defects in our products, please contact our Customer Service. Langlo process all requests according to Dutch laws, as well as Langlo's guidelines and extended warranties. To help you as quickly as possible it is important to have the order confirmation available when contacting us.

Extended Warranties

10 years warranty on wheel housing for all our sliding doors. The warranty does not cover damage to wood or aluminum. The warranty does not cover damages due to product use different from our recommendations, or damages due to repairs done by persons not approved by us.

The extended warranty starts at the purchase date.


According to EU/EEC legislation one cannot demand automatic returns on products made from one's own measurements and configuration.

The Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Board (De Geschillencommissie) offers complainants alternative dispute schemes to help resolve their dispute out of court. These alternative disputes schemes are acknowledged by both the Dutch Government and the European Commission.

By membership in De Geschillencommissie Langlo.store has voluantairly committed to find a solution for all possible disputes that might occur as a result of buying a Langlo product or Langlo service.